Thursday 26 April 2012

Task 2 - Research into existing products - Louis Theroux Behind Bars

Begins with establishing master shot in framing, which is unusual as this is usually used in films. Second shot shows Louis and a prisoner talking about his 521 year sentence. This makes the viewer want to carry on watching the film as they want to find out what the prisoner did to get that sentence. Title of the BBC indicates that the documentary is likely to be good as most BBC documentaries are well produced. Music as Louis enters quite soft and light, distinguishing his type of character from the criminals. Quick cuts showing a montage of the criminals and how the guards run the prison.  He asks questions to people which are simple such as “why am I wearing a bullet proof vest?” This is because he is acting through the audience, so he must address as many questions as he can in order to inform the audience. Handheld camera shows realism as the criminal is talking to Louis about his conviction, indicating it is a very serious crime. Fade to black is another technique used by films which has been used in the documentary to show a passage of time.
The separation of races shows that it rough in the prison and that racism and discrimination does happen. Organisations in the prison suggest that there is a lot of conspiracy. Also, the prisoners judge one another by looking signs of weakness and target weaker prisoners, and restrict their freedom and treat them like slaves.

Louis Theroux asks simple questions to people who he is interviewing in order to extract as much detail as he can, in order to give as much infromation as he can to the audience.

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